Registration and Refreshments |
Introduction and statement of course objective, Assessment overview |
Gowning and Gloving Double gloving gown /glove removal |
Knots One – handed reef knot and instrument tie |
Knots (continued) Surgeons knot and tying at depth |
Handling instruments Scissors, hemostats, forceps and scalpel |
Suturing techniques Needle and incisions |
Ligation /Transfixion Pedicle Transfixion, continuity tie, pedicle tie |
-Laparoscopy Principles -Reprise of knots tying Common faults -Abdominal closure and drain insertion 1-Aberdeen knot 2-The art of assisting -Refreshments -Tissue Handling 3 1-Vascular surgery principles 2-Vein patch exercise ( assisted) -Wound Management 1 1-Abscess draining ( no assistance) 2-Skin suture OSAT -Wound Management 2 Deriding a traumatic wound -Refreshments -Introduction to Generic Endoscopic Surgery 1-Principles of camera Technique. depth cueing, 2-fulcrum effect -Box Trainers Exercise: placing peas in a pot, stacking sugar, cubes, cutting a glove, putting mints on a string and tying knots on a skin pad |