This training course is designed to create a well prepared professional cardiac nurse who can handle and manage all patients undergo cardiac surgeries.
Post operative care of cardiac surgery patient is both challenging and dynamic. Patients who undergo cardiac surgery are at risk of several adverse events not only related to their preoperative condition, but also as a result of effects of the surgical procedure and anesthesia.
This requires ICU nurses to demonstrate high levels of clinical judgment, clinical inquiry, and caring practices to effectively manage patients and help optimize outcomes.
The manual, handouts, testing, and lectures are all in English
Thursday: 8:30 - 15:00 theory part.
Practice: 30 shifts (240 hours) / 3 months.
Written exam (passing score is 80%), CSICU and CCU competencies.
Cardiac Surgery ICU, CCU, ICU, and Cardiac OR.
Each student will receive specialty hospital bag, scrub suit and lab coat, ID badge, CD manual; welcome letter and course outlines and schedule.