Real time PCR training

The basic real-time qPCR course. You will aquire a comprehensive overview of the possibilities with real-time PCR, how to use it and how to analyze the results. 

The course contains:


Day 1

Basic PCR theory. 
The theory of real-time PCR. 
Applications and possibilities of qPCR. Comparison of qPCR with regular PCR. 
Review of currently available detection technologies (SYBR Green I, hydrolysis probes, Molecular Beacons, etc). 
Different instrument platforms and their typical uses. 
Primer design. 
The problem of primer-dimer formation and how to minimize them. 
Probe design. 
Experimental design and optimization. 
Basic data handling and analysis.


Day 2

Introduction to quantification principles. 
Quantification strategies, uses and limitations. 
Calculations using different relative quantification methods. 
Strategies for normalization of qPCR data. 
In situ calibration for compensation of inhibition in samples. 
Absolute quantification.


Day 3

Sample Preparation (Extraction of RNA and DNA). 
Principles of RT. 
Priming methods for RT. 
RT optimization. 
The MIQE guidelines. 
Group discussion, bring your own questions


Target Audience

Beginners to Medium experienced qPCR users.


Entrance Qualifications

Basic Molecular biology or similar.



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